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15 sep 2011

The brand new spectacular show Speed will be an incredible sensation! Bart Doerfler, Creative Director, will share his experience of the developing process of this new Holiday on Ice production.

This week has been thrilling: casting the final few members of Speed. The dancers are the final few and we have possibilities from Canada, Amsterdam, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Berlin. Looking forward to the final line-up! This has been a great casting process as the cast is thrilled with this new 'edge'... yay!

Big steps this week in getting ready for SPEED rehearsals. The recording sessions with the orchestra and our amazing musical director Stephen Emmer were completed! The music is so exciting and now it is time to start vocal recording sessions in Germany, Holland, and Las Vegas. This is my favorite part as we put the soul into the sound and each track really becomes musically defined.

This has been a big week preparing for SPEED. We have had vocal recordings with
headliners Lorena Peril and Bobby Black in Las Vegas, casting a few more dancers in Holland, and costume shops in Paris working around the clock to get ready for first fittings. (Cynthia Nordstrom, our costume designer out of New York is thrilled to bring this wild fashion vibe to the show...!). One more week and I head to Utrecht permanently until the opening...woohoo!

So here I go! Packing up and leaving Vegas to head to Utrecht for the duration until the world premiere in Hamburg. This is the icing time in my mind, as the show has been under construction for over a year and we are now getting to put all the exciting touches to it. The cast, skaters, sets, etc are all coming together now...

Here we go... Well it is Monday here and the soundtrack is unbelievable. Truly an emotional ride in every way and with our new sound system it will be sooooo powerful! They are setting ice and we get to start on Wednesday on skates...I can't wait

Wow...what a great two days on the ice with my amazing choreographer Simone Grigorescu and Lisa McKinnon our performance manager. Seeing the show put to skates is so thrilling and we are laughing so much, we have such a fun time creating. We will be working everyday until next Thursday mapping out the numbers and preparing for our line captains to come soon.

On ice now for 6 days and it feels so great to be seeing choreography. Our line captains started officially today so a few more bodies always helps and we also had a very successful press launch in with myself and video host from the show Mirjam Weichselbaum in Hamburg on Monday...so things are moving FAST. Especially with the announcement that Sarah Conner will be singing two songs in the show with video...Exciting!

Production "SPEED"
Tour 2011/2012 Germany & France